Advanced Nursing Certification Programme

Advanced Nursing Certification Programme for Placement in USA/ UAE/ International Markets

  1. Capacity Building and Social uplift of Pakistani women has been one of the FTEHRD objectives since 2009. We have been constantly looking for female specific programmes which shall be beneficial to the country as well as individual families, in particular lower middle classes.

  2. Global demand for trained nurses/health care workers is on the rise. The world will be short of 13 million health workers by 2035. It is estimated that America alone is presently short of 683,700 nurses.  By 2020, this figure will touch one million. A strong demand also exists in Australia, UK, Canada, and the ME.  Unfortunately, the share of Pakistani nationals in this lucrative field is negligible. It is not that Pakistan does not have requisite numbers, what lacks is country specific certifications and placement guidance.

  3. A breakthrough could have only been possible with the help of an internationally recognized Nursing college, who would take the onus of Pakistani Nurses Certification and help in their Placement Abroad. FTEHRD was successful in entering into an agreement with Institutions in USA. These Colleges are an authority in nursing matters worldwide. They provide career training, professional development, externship placement and employment assistance to its graduates.

  4. This programme, will place thousands of nurses, mostly hailing from lower middle classes, in USA/UAE/international markets thus helping in women emancipation and alleviating poverty.

  5. The project has two types of programmes; Short Term Programme, will be for six months. Nurses previously registered with Pakistan Nursing Council would  take two semesters of American College curriculum .The course is titled ‘Preparatory Course for Advanced Nursing Certification Programme’ .It will prepare/assist students in obtaining CGFN-USA and HAAD-UAE certifications, making them eligible for technical category visas. They will also be awarded Online Nursing degree, adding value to their educational profiles for job ratings. The long Term programme is four years degree programme ,which will be launched later based on the success of short Term Programme.

  6. During June 2015 to July 2016, 200 nurses are planned to be provided assistance thru Short Term Programmes.

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